The question most often asked, despite not being the correct one is: "When is the right time to buy?"  The managing partner's philosophy is quite simple in that regard: It's not when you buy, it's at what price you buy relative to the existing market and historical valuations. Oval Group through various investment vehicles had been pitched over 300 properties, of which less than 5% have passed the stringent due diligence criteria and subsequently been purchased. Having managed multi-billion dollar portfolios for institutional clients across multiple asset classes, the founding partner is able to marry the when with the how: Waiting to find the right deal, then meticulously structuring the most attractive payoff and negotiating the optimal entry point. The track record, going back to our past of institutional asset management, shows a relentless dedication not only to upside capture but capital preservation: we strongly believe that the only way to produce significant long term risk-adjusted returns is to not ever lose money by taking unjustified bets. The managing partner had invested personal capital into every single deal. Oval Capital had ever purchased and is committed to doing so in the future. Because of that, investments are rigorously analyzed and compared to all other available deals in the marketplace. We invest majority of our own net worth, so we would rather keep funds in cash and liquid instruments, as opposed to ever committing to a mediocre transaction. 

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Oval Capital Management

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